Why are High Voltage Power Lines not Insulated Admin Why are High Voltage Power Lines not Insulated Why are High Voltage Power Lines not Insulated You may notice when you pass by one of the h... read more
Electrical Can a Capacitor Charge Electric Batteries Admin Can a Capacitor Charge Electric Batteries Can a Capacitor Charge Electric Batteries As we mentioned in a previous topic, a capacitor is a... read more
Electronics IC 555 timer tutorial , Pin diagram, Circuit, working principle Hisham Allaoui Integrated circuit 555 timer IC 555 timer tutorial , Pin diagram, Circuit, working principle : In today’s topic, we will present to you a... read more
Electrical Why Always Thermal power plants near water sources Admin Why Always Thermal power plants near water sources Why do we build thermal power plants near water sources ( rivers, lakes) Nuclear power... read more
Electronics How Transistor works, symbol, types , structure, Applications Hisham Allaoui How Transistor works, symbol, types , structure How Transistor works, symbol, types , structure, Applications The invention of the transi... read more
Electrical If current kills, not voltage, then why do scary "high voltage" signs exist Admin If current kills, not voltage, then why do scary "high voltage" signs exist If current kills, not voltage, then why do scary ... read more
Electrical Why Is Alternating Current (AC) Used for Power Transmission Instead of Direct Current (DC) Admin Why we use AC instead of DC in transmission Why Is Alternating Current (AC) Used for Power Transmission Instead of Direct Current (DC) Man... read more
Electrical What is a Multimeter | How to use Multimeter device Hisham Allaoui What is a Multimeter | How to use Multimeter device What is a Multimeter | How to use Multimeter device The multimeter has a very importa... read more
Electrical Why are stones laid in a Substation Admin Why are stones laid in a Substation Why are stones laid in a Substatio n Transformer stations operate under high-voltage conditions, posin... read more