How to make a fire sensor circuit using Arduino and flame sensor |
How to make a fire sensor circuit using Arduino and flame sensor
Welcome again to the Electron Tips Blog, In today’s lesson we will present to you a method for making a fire sensor or alarm using a fire sensor and an Arduino Board, You can browse a comprehensive topic about the working principle of the Arduino uno board from here, Now we will go through the electronic elements necessary to create this electronic circuit .
Electronics components :
- Flame sensor.
- Arduino Uno board.
- Led lamp.
- Two resistors, respectively, 220 ohms and 5 kilo ohms.
- buzzer .
- Breadboard.
- Wires to connect the electronic circuit.
Explanation of the flame sensor:
The fire sensor consists of several electronic components, and these are the components and terminals of the fire sensor:
Flame sensor explain |
- IR sensor.
- Adjust the sensitivity of the device.
- flame indicator.
- digital pin output.
- Analog pin output.
- Feeding pin Vcc.
- GND ground terminal.
Arduino fire sensor circuit diagram:
This is the fire alarm circuit diagram using the Arduino:
Arduino & flame sensor diagram |
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The software code for the fire sensor circuit:
This is the code for the fire sensor project that you must place in the Arduino IDE environment and download it to the Arduino Uno board using your computer:int FlameSensor Pin=A0;int FlameSensor Reading;int LED=2;void setup() {// put your setup code here, to run Serial.begin(9600); port //open the serialonce:pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //led}void loop() {// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
FlameSensor Reading-analogRead(FlameSensorPi Serial.println(FlameSensor Reading);if (FlameSensor Reading>5){ digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);tone( 3, 2000, 500);}else{digitalWrite(LED, LOW);}delay(500);}
In the end, this was an explanation of how to connect the fire sensor to the Arduino board to create a fire sensor circuit. We have previously presented another fire alarm circuit using a thermistor element, you can browse it from here.